• 作者:月亮
  • 积分:284
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  •  本帖:2021-01-03 17:45
  • 楼主(阅:308/回:0)Gangjbya Gaz Hoz Baenzlawz Guh

    Gwn bya seiz mbouj siujsim, ndwnj gwn gangj bya denggaz youq ndaw hoz. Baenzneix, miz mbangj boux aeu gyan haeux roxnaeuz gizyawzmoegloet fuengfap, siengj gyan de roengzbae, roxnaeuz gyak okdaeuj. Yienghneixsaihoz gig yungzheih deng sieng, gig mbouj dojdang. Ceiq ndei banhfap dwgsikhaek ndoet geij gaemz meiq. Aenvih gangj bya bungz meiq  couh bienq unq bienq byoiq, seiz haenx caiqyungh gij banhfap gyan roengzbae roxnaeuz gyak okdaeuj cungj ndaej. Miz mbangj bouxyousim gyan roengzbae haih ndang, gizsaed mbouj yungh lau law, aenvih dungxvunz cungj siuvaq ndaej itbuen gangj bya. Hoeng, danghnaeuz ngaiz gangj byahung gaz, ndoet geij gaemz meiq hix mbouj miz maz yUngh, yienghneix couh aeucingj canghyw daeuj yw cij ndaej.
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